Saturday Jul 08, 2023

Overcoming ’Incurable’ Autoimmunity with Stephen Williams

Stephen William’s story of overcoming ‘incurable’ autoimmune inflammatory bowel disease has a lot of layers.

I encourage you to listen with an open mind to what has worked for him and others. How many people do you know with some form of food intolerance?

IBD is the extreme end of the food intolerance spectrum and leads to many other side effects.

Stephen chose not to accept his fate of an ‘incurable’ diagnosis and went searching for answers.

His journey of discovery has had a huge ripple effect through his family.

Stephen applies his thirst for knowledge to his work as a strength coach, where he helps people develop not only their physical strength but also their mindset.

0:00 Intro

2:27 Stephen’s early years.

9:30 Discovering Metabolic Typing.

15:25 Discovering the carnivore diet.

16:46 Breaking an intergenerational cycle of boys growing up without fathers.

21:10 The connection between gut health and autoimmune conditions.

24:35 The Salisbury Diet.

30:05 Plants don’t want to be eaten.

34:00 Ill-health has become normalised.

38:07 Stephen’s work as a coach.

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